Interior House Painters
With The Right Interior Paint Colors , you can turn everyday rooms into extraordinary spaces.
Cascade Painting and Restoration
Preparation is Key! for our interior painters - A surface that is not properly prepared will result in peeling paint, stains that bleed through, and a generally ugly appearance.
Sanding any glossy surfaces- this gives the substrate some "teeth", something that a new top coat can hold on to. In addition a bonding primer should be used on any questionable surfaces (oil based paint, varnish or lacquer, etc.) to ensure a good Bond and protect against peeling.
Filling Holes and Cracks a little time spent with a putty knife, caulk gun, and some quality materials can go a long way toward improving the look of your paint job. Casing and moldings should be caulked at joints and nail holes filled to give the feel of a single molded piece. Baseboards should also be caulked to the wall to fill gaps.
Start With Quality Paint will almost always pay for themselves over time. They will stand up to moisture and abrasion better and will
hold color longer than cheaper grades.
Exterior House Painters
- this is the best way to protect your siding and enhance your homes appearance!
The right color will add new life to your homes appearance , but the type of paint you use is important too. Latex paint is almost always the best choice for your exterior. It is easy to apply, dries quickly, and because of its flexibility, latex paint is really durable. Your best choice is 100 percent acrylic latex.
Preparation is Key--Cascade Painting's goal is to beautify your house while protecting it for the longest possible time from the elements.
- House Painters in Portland-Cascade Painting and Restoration
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